Sep 21, 2010

Having People over Just Isn't Worth It

I’ve been considering having a party of sorts. Not a huge blowout or anything because I live in an apartment complex, and, frankly, I don’t have enough friends for a party of that caliber. I was thinking about four to seven people. I’ve been feeling pretty lonely ever since the summer has ended. I’m seeing my boyfriend a lot less because he’s started his fall semester at school, and my friends and I all have jobs.

But then I thought about how having people over is expensive even if you tell everyone, “BYOB.” Or “Potluck!”

But if you do those things, I feel like you’re “that guy.” Especially with the whole “bring your own food” thing. Then your friends come over thinking, I’m just going to bring a side dish or beverage because obviously, since Megan is hosting, she’ll have entrees available. She’s pretty much just asking us to supplement her food offerings, I’m sure.

But that’s not the case. I wouldn’t have entrees to provide, and then everyone would be like, “Wow, what a bitch. She didn’t even provide for her own guests. I don’t want to come to another one of Megan’s parties. All she did was say we could occupy space that she’s happening to rent, but we still have to buy the food and drinks. She’s not any different than a restaurant.”

And then they’d all leave. Plus, I don’t like potlucks. When someone suggests one and I say, “Super fun!” I’m really saying, “Super fun! We can all bring our own dishes and talk about how everyone’s food is so good but only really eat what we each brought because what other people make is weird or their dishes never look quite clean. And when people cook alone they are never as sanitary as when they cook in front of other people. How long has that been sitting in your car?”

Then I just go home hungry and praying I didn’t eat someone’s hair.

And if it’s BYOB, then people are going to sharing liquor and beer. When I hear BYOB, I’m thinking, I brought this liquor for me and me alone. No, you cannot mix my rum with your whatever the hell mixer you brought instead of bringing liquor or beer. Because I brought liquor. Liquor for me! It’s not my fault you ignored the YO in BYOB.

I’m just overly territorial like that.

So back to the main point: Parties and get-togethers are expensive. I would feel like I would have to provide the bulk of food and liquor in order to feel like an adequate hostess. Otherwise the night would end with either me being really hungry for fear of eating other people’s food, or my friends hating me because I don’t share rum.


  1. for the record, "potluck" means "bring an effing entree. i am not your mother!" so if you put potluck, consider it rude if you end up with all side dishes. also, it is rude to be a liquor moocher. if you BYOB and then run out, and someone OFFERS that is different. but BYOB means what it means. GTFO if you didn't bring something to drink and/or share with the group.

  2. You are officially my favorite person for being my first follower and commenter.

  3. Craig "Uncle Buck" BrownSeptember 21, 2010 at 3:47 PM

    What's wrong with: "Bring $5 and what ever YOU want to drink. We'll pool the $ and order pizzas." Your obligation is to provide fridge space/ice for the drinks and paper plates/paper towels for the pizza.

    Glad to see you're now part of the blog-o-sphere. I now have yet another way to avoid doing work. Thank you. And I'm sorry that your mom and I will skew your readership older.

  4. 1. You are awesome.
    2. I would share my liquor with you, but only because I like you.
    3. I am so glad you started a blog. I cannot wait to read more.

  5. Addison stole my idea about numbering my comments. I'll just have to go with the more formal outline technique.

    Commenting on Meg's Blog
    I. Echoing the Sentiments of Others
    A. I agree with the one named Kathleen. Wisdom.
    B. I also agree with your uncle.
    a. I like pizza a lot. (hee hee alot)
    b. No really, it's a problem
    II. Liquor
    A. I totally agree. If I am splurging on alcohol, I don't want it to be gone in 30 seconds.
    B. I would share my alcohol with you too . . .
    a. and select others.
    b. but not people I don't know. . .
    c. unless I want them to like me.
    1. Then I can get them tipsy and convince them we are besties - or lovers!
    C. I need some wine.
    III. If I promise to be good will you still let me come to your house?

  6. Anne, your outrageously organized comment just makes me love you more. And of course I will still let you come to my house.

    Addison, you're awesome too. Thanks for saying you'll share liquor with me. And I'm glad you're already a fan!

    Uncle Craig, I didn't think about the pizza route. That is a good idea...

  7. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Uncle Buck. Kathleen has a point also. If you do the potluck thing, make sure everyone understands the rules. But entertaining is a pain in the ass. But if you want to maintain friendships and be invited other places, it is a necessary evil. And anyone who knows you, knows you will not be providing entrees. Hello, are they new here?

  8. Hilarious post! You just said exactly what I think about potlucks, though I don't think so eloquently. ;)

  9. I am super creepy for reading your blog via yours and Mandy's posts back and forth. your blog is actually quite funny.. i lol'd in my room hope my roomie doens't freak out. keep the good stuff rolling.. i need a smile in my laugh

  10. Ale (I can't figure out the accent over the E. Sorry, haha), you're not being creepy! I want everyone to read it so that I can make money off of it and never have to have a job.

    Julia, thanks! I'm glad other people feel the same about other people's creepy food. haha

    Mamacita, I know, I know. People should know I'm not going to provide an entree, but I still feel like I have to!

  11. OK .. I'm going to try this again. I think you should throw a party ... whatever damn party you want ... BYOB ... potluck ... whatev. Have a party & "they" will come.
